It has been almost a year since my last blog, so I thought it was time to start again. A lot has happened since the last blog. Owen turned 3 in July and had a toy story themed party back in MN. He has also mastered riding a trike and sleeps in a big boy bed. We are still working on the potty training which is a very slow and torturing process for me .
Kellen turned one in Novemeber. We had his birthday in anthem at the train park. It was the perfect day for a party. Kellen is now walking, talking, and getting into everything. Owen calls him destructo because he destroys all his tunnels that he had work hard building. He loves food and eats almost anything. He is definitely going to be the linebacker in the family.
Steve and I have spent the last year trying to adjust to our new family of 4. We moved last august into a bigger house and are still tryinng to settle in. Our 2 crazy boys have made the moving process much more challening. We will spend christmas this year in AZ. We are going to steve's sisters house on x-mas eve. The boys and I are hoping to get back to MN at the end of december.Well, that more or less gets us back up to speed. My new years resolution is to update at least once a month and become more blogger savy. Hope the holiday season is finding everyone healthy and happy.
Great job! I will keep reminding you about the once a month promise! Love ya have a great day!