Owen is such a sweet boy. On saturday I took him to the splash park. It was 100 degrees and a good way to cool off. Owen loves to play with other kids. He quickly makes friends when we go to play at public places. As he was playing with this little girl about his age, I was listening to his conversation with her. I heard him say to her " What is your favorite color?" I was amazed that he would ask her this question. He is so social, a trait he definitely gets from his dad.
On sunday when we were watching the viking's game, Owen says to his dad "dad its not my fault". He was referring to something he had just done. How he comes up with some of this stuff I have no idea. His other big saying lately is " I got an idea".. followed usually by lets play cars or trains. He just loves to talk. His vocabulary has exploded this last month because he loves to repeat everything you say. We definitely have to be very careful what we say around this little parrot.
10 years ago
Don't you jusy love when they start syaing the cutest things? Aiden was just like Owen &his vocab really increased around 28-30 months. It will make a big jump again around 3. Too cute!