Happy birthday to grandpa Paul!! We miss you and love you very much. We wish we were there to celebrate with you. Owen has been singing happy birthday to you all morning.
Happy New Year's to everyone. I am not usually a resolution girl but this year I thought I would make some simple and attainable resolutions. My first resolution is to blog at least once a month to keep family and friends updated with our life here in AZ. I am happy to say I am already on my way to keeping this one since this is my first blog of the year. Secondly, I will smile more and laugh often. Not sure how to really measure this, but I will enlist the help of my husband. I tend to be a girl whose cup is half empty instead of half full. So, I thought by smiling and laughing more I will shift to be a more positive person, and at the end of the year my cup will be half full. Finally, I will lose the rest of my baby weight. Easily measured by stepping on the scale.
Our family hopes 2011 is full of health and happiness for all our friends and family!!!