Anniversary dinner at Ah-So

Our cute 2yr old

Beautiful Estes Park, Colorado

Rodeo parade in Estes Park
Yesterday Owen had his 2yr well check up. We are about a month late because of vacations and a crazy summer. He now weighs 24lbs 5oz and is 34 inches. This puts him in the 10%tile for weight and 50%tile for height. Yeah, he is no longer in the shrimpy catergory for height. This is the 1st time since birth that he has been anything above 25% for height. Lately Owen's favorite word has been NOT, which drives me nuts. "Owen do you want to go to the store with moma? " Owen's response, "NOT". Everything is not. He did do the cutest thing the other day at breakfast. He was reaching around me to get something, and he said "Excuse me, moma". So sweet.
So as I mentioned earlier we have had a busy summer. In early July we went to Estes Park, Colorado with Steve's family to celebrate his parents 50th wedding anniversary. We had lots of fun getting to see Steve's brothers family who live in Michigan. We don't get to see them too often so it was really nice to spend lots of time with them during the week. We went hiking, fishing, took a tram ride up the moutian, mini golfing, amusement park, and saw lots of fun animals. Owen's favorite was when we fed the chipmunks. They are all tame, so they eat peanuts out of your hand. He also fed some beavers bread in back of Chris and Brenda's cabin. It was lots of fun spending time with all of steve's family. We loved our Colorado vacation.
Oh, also in July Jennifer, steve's cousin, had her second baby... Benjamin Micheal. Congrats! Now the new baby engen will have another boy cousin close in age. Yeah!
Since returning from Colorado, we have had my neice Nicole, from MN, stay with us. She is Owen's godmother. Nicole will be a junior this year in school. She has been so much fun. She just loves Owen and has been a big help to me. We love her so much, it was really hard when she left this past sunday. We also have my soon to be adopted brother, Phi, staying with us. He arrived saturday aug 1. Phi will be a senior in school this year. He has been with our family since early grade school. It has been so nice to have one on one time with both of them. We love when family comes to stay with us. We miss our Minnesota family all the time.
On the 29th of July, we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. I have the sweetest husband ever. He is handsome, kind, and a wonderful dad. We took my neice and Owen to AH-SO. It was so cute to see Owen and Nicole's face as they cooked the food. They loved it. Lots of July b-days to celebrate. Happy birthday to my neices Hannah and Kellie! Happy birthday to our nephew Micheal and my best friends litte boy Grant. Happy b-day to Owen's little buddies Cole and Brady. And finally Happy b-day to our sweet little boy! He is growing way too fast. We are amazed everyday with what he says and does. Oh the other day he did a summersault all by himself. We are very blessed to have such a beautiful boy and wonderful family and friends. Happy Summer to all of you. Enjoy it, it's going fast.