Yeah, we are pregnant. We are due Nov.20th, which is also uncle nate's b-day. I am just under 12 weeks. We will definitely find out what we are having and share the news with all of you when we know.
The new pictures I posted are from our trip to MN. We had a blast. We stayed two days with my best friend Dani. Next, we were off to the Mall of America. Owen loved the rides so much, he did not want to get off. We spent Easter with my sister and my parents. Owen loved all his family and cousin in MN. I will post some more pictures from the trip and more stories this week.
On a more serious note, we would like to ask all our family and friends to keep Steve's sister Charissa in your prayers. She was recently diagnosised with breast cancer and has begun her chemo treatments. She is very strong and we are confident she will beat this cancer and come out a survivor.