Happy St. Patricks Day! Owen is 20months this month and doing lots of new things. On sunday night we had a little visitor standing at the end of our bed. We heard "Momma, Daddy." The little turkey had climbed out of his crib for the first time. Needless to say he scared the heck out of us. Luckily he is such a good climber that he did not get hurt. Owen's new saying this month is "shut the door". He will walk around the house shutting all the doors and say this as he shuts them. He also will wake me up in the morning, with dads help, and say "get up." He loves to climb, hence climbing out of his crib. When we go to the park, he will find the tallest thing to climb up, he has no fear. He favorite book is Llama Llama mad at momma and his favorite movie is 101 dalmations. Happy birthday to cousin Jennifer and congrats on another baby boy.
We are excited to go to minnesota next month. Owen and I will be in MN from april 9th-15th. My oldest neice turns 16 in april and we are going back to celebrate with her and the family. Unfortunately, Steve can't join us with his hetic work schedule. Wish me luck as I venture on the plane with the wild man all by myself. I will post new pictures of Owen as soon as we find the missing cord to download the pics. I think a little boy, we won't name who, may have hidden it in a never to be found again spot.
10 years ago